Bible Study and Prayer Meeting

We meet for Prayer and Bible-study on alternate Wednesdays at 7.00pm

Please see the Home Page for dates

 Everyone warmly welcomed, we meet in the upstairs schoolroom.

We seem to have benefitted so much from God's word during the last year.

We have learned much from our studies of: 

God's Grace - His 'underserved kindnesses', His 'unmerited favour' to us

John Newton called it 'Amazing', defines 'grace' as: God giving the greatest treasure to the least deserving - which is every one of us

The apostle Paul just couldn't stop taking about it: all his letters begin and end with mentions of God's grace. they are usually full of it too!  It must be important to get to grips with what it means.

Using a list of 165 references to 'grace' from James Strong's concordance we looked up passages to see what the word meant in various contexts.  Most 'grace' in the Old Testament seemed to be favour shown between people.  

Then we hit the New Testament! - with John 1:17:

'The Law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ'

Paul's 88 mentions of 'grace' are over half those in the entire Bible. "Of course", said one of the group. "He knew what it meant. He had been a persecutor of the church, and then forgiven!"